
Companies Fail to Hire Good Leaders 82% of the Time Good hiring is one of the most important roles you have as a leader. Good leaders put together high-performance teams that win. Poor leaders get poor performance and, worse, drive good people away. Hiring leaders is very different than hiring good teammates. Do you know […]


What is the best definition of love? How does love help you achieve success and happiness? Summary What is Love? The Best Definition of Love Love is the Key to Success and Happiness Leadership and Love Love is a Skill—Make it a Habit Love, Wisdom, and Maturity What is Love? The best definition: Love is […]


What are the three best values for success and happiness? It’s simple. Just live three values: Seek Wisdom, Practice Love and Get Results until they become habits, part of your very being, so you naturally develop the high trust, high performance relationships that bring success and happiness. That’s it. Covenant Leadership. It will give you […]


A lot of people get anxious because they don’t know how to start a conversation with someone new. With Covenant Leadership, if you can remember just 3 things, you can master a simple approach to starting great conversations and relationships with anyone you meet. Whether it is at work, in the community, or even with […]


Can parenting books help you become a better leader? In her WSJ article, Alexandra Samuel shares five things she learned reading parenting books that helped her leadership skills. My favorite three are: 1) Before business, make the [personal] connection; 2) Identify hidden workplace stressors; and 3) Don’t fire difficulty employees—work with them. In Covenant Leadership, […]


The US Marine Corps is one of the best fighting organizations in world history. Most people don’t know it, but the Marines Corps was almost eliminated twice in its history: once in the 1890’s and again after World War II. Why is the Marine Corps still around and why is the Marine Corps so successful? […]


From our earlier episodes, we know that happiness in life comes from good, high-trust, covenant relationships. To develop good relationships, practice the three Covenant Virtues: Seek wisdom, practice love, and get results. The more people trust your wisdom, that you love them and that you can get results, the better your relationships and the stronger […]


We’ve all read dozens of articles giving us eight things we can do to be a better leader or parent or person. Most of them seem like good tips. By the time I read three or four articles, I have a list of 25-30 things I am supposed to do to be a better leader. […]


Welcome to the sixth episode in our series on how you can achieve happiness and success in life. From our earlier episodes, we know that Happiness and success in life come from high-trust, covenant relationships. In our last episode, we said that the best way of developing good relationships is to live the three virtues: […]


Leadership is one providing guidance to another. Leadership requires wisdom–good decisions matched with good actions. Here’s some wisdom I learned about perfectionism from a skinny guy, callsign “Hulk”. Back in the last century, we were five Marine Corps AV-8B Harrier jet pilots going through advanced air-to-ground weapons training. That’s a fancy way of saying that […]


It’s simple. Happiness and success come from high-trust, covenant relationships. We know that from our previous blogs-podcasts. So, what is the best way to develop good relationships? Just do three things: Seek Wisdom Practice Love Get Results The more people trust your wisdom, that you love them, and that you get things done, the stronger […]


I am one of those people who sometimes learns things the hard way—by making mistakes. Many of the best leadership lessons I have learned came while I served as an AV-8B Harrier pilot in the Marine Corps. Sometimes the leadership lessons came in installments. In this case, the first installment came from The Cow and […]


In our last blog, we talked about how happiness and fulfillment come from good, high-quality relationships. In this piece, we’ll talk about the three basic ways to understand relationships, and find that covenant relationships give us the best chance for happiness and success. Three Types of Relationships Football, basketball and golf are all different paradigms […]


HAPPINESS AND RELATIONSHIP We’ve got an 80-year Harvard study that says happiness comes from good relationships. There’s a good reason for that. As human beings, we are biologically wired for relationship. Relationship is a fundamental part of our human nature and DNA. Having good relationships fulfills our human nature. That’s why good relationships bring happiness. […]


HAPPINESS COMES FROM GOOD RELATIONSHIPS Harvard University has been conducting the Study on Adult Development for more than 80 years. It includes Harvard undergrads from the 1930’s and disadvantaged Boston youths from the early 1940’s—and their children. The purpose was to find out what makes happy and health lives. The ongoing study has tracked the […]


Life can be intense, fast-paced, and complicated. Everywhere you turn, there’s pressure to be successful. At work, we’re supposed to have cool jobs that pay well, and are socially relevant and fulfilling. We’re supposed to be ambitious, enthusiastic leaders moving quickly up the career ladder. As parents, we are supposed to get our kids into […]


By Pete Bowen and Bailey Bowen SON OF A SHARECROPPER In mid-February—just two months and a lifetime ago—my wife and I were in her hometown of Dothan, Alabama, for her high school reunion and to spend time with her father. My father-in-law is the son of a sharecropper without much formal education. He grew up […]


By Pete Bowen and Bailey Bowen I learned a few important lessons last week that some might find helpful. On March 17, government-ordered Covid-19 shutdowns reduced my consulting business income to $0 overnight. The same week, two of my three daughters were laid off from their jobs. At the time, we were told that the […]


The WSJ has a must-read article by Jonathan Eig called The Family Delights of Silly Poop Songs with some fantastic applications for your success as a leader at work, as a parent-leader at home, and as a person in life. Eig tells the story of giving his 10 year old daughter control of the music […]
